I had the pleasure to travel to Greensboro North Carolina to paint some walls for Rockersprintshop. I started with a small wall at the track sides witch I could easy finish in one day. On the second day I begun a massive wall located at a prime spot just at a big intersection and right in front of a bar. As it was supposed to rain the next 2 days Marty Kotis offered me a dry wall inside his Big Pounder Brewery.
Lucky me there was no rain so I chose to paint a nice wall outside of the brewery. Third wall was located next to the second one and finished just in time to meet my good friend Nils who joined in and made an amazing portrait on the left side of the wall.
Meanwhile I discovered the loss of my passport which led to a long road trip to the Swiss embassy. I spend a few more days in Greensboro finishing the wall and putting up smaller things as well as 9 stencils before driving with Nils up to Richmond Virginia.
The good people from Green house glass heard that I will be in town and offered a super nice wall for me and Nils to paint. Delivery for the lift was next day evening so I spent my morning painting a nice Smurfface in the center of Richmond before heading to the wall for massive two and a half day workout.

Sunday night we were finished with this beauty and not even 10 hours later I was already rolling the background for my third wall in Richmond which was finished by the end of the day. The next day we jumped in the car again and went to Washington DC to finally get me a new passport.
Of course I cannot just drive to a new place without painting so I was really happy to leave a nice painting at the Fridge Gallery. Last day In Washington, last beer with Nils now it was time to catch a train and drive to the
New York where I made a half day painting break. The next day I painted a wall at Broadway in bushwick Brooklyn with my leftover cans. I have to say not my best work but it is what it is. Maybe my batteries were getting low. For the next day I had a great shutter lined up from JMZ Walls in Bushwick so I pulled all my energy together went to buy cans and painted a great Felix Icon. A perfect ending for the walls I painted on this trip. The next day I spent every single minute I had left at the backyard of the lookinglass bar painting my cans empty before heading to the airport.
20 days 9 walls 10 stencils and a few small things later I was back in Switzerland just in time for the winter to start )-:. Of course there are a lot of ups and downs on travels like this, some walls are cancelled other walls pop up this is why I am really happy with every single person who went out of their way to make my trip unforgettable.
Click here for the picture of this great Trip.